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Cyber Criminals Attack SEC

Cyber Criminals Attack SEC

Cyber attackers earned a $4.1 million stock market payday after getting an early peek at unpublished earning results in an SEC database, the WSJ reported today.
Millions of Chinese CVs Exposed Online

Millions of Chinese CVs Exposed Online

A database with resumes of 200 million+ Chinese people has been found online. Including names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other personal details.
Cyber Attacks Continue to Rise

Cyber Attacks Continue to Rise

The number of significant cyberattacks has increased by more than 50% in the last 3 years. There were 67 significant cyber incidents from Jan. to Oct. 2018.
5 Things You Need to Do Following the Marriott and Quora Data Breaches

5 Things You Need to Do Following the Marriott and Quora Data Breaches

Two big data breaches are in the news this week. Marriott announced that approximately 500 million customer records may have been breached and Quora announced that user data of 100
Threat Alert: Ransomware Attacks Cause More Turmoil

Threat Alert: Ransomware Attacks Cause More Turmoil

We are seeing an increase in the number of ransomware attacks in Florida. We will you understand how these attacks occur and provide guidance on countermeasures.
Information Security Governance

Information Security Governance

Cybersecurity and hacker attacks are among the top concerns that organizations worldwide face today. The concern is justified, given the visibly exponential rise in successful hacker attacks and volumes of