b'What Clients Say About our Security Awareness Training ProductAll faculty, staff and students at Xavier UniversityI am so happy with the tool, the content, the found ERMProtects Information Security trainingreporting, and functionality. But most important, my modules comprehensive, creative and helpful forusers enjoy and learn about Information Security all at every type of learner. Our community is now well- the same time.informed and knows how to identify scams and JH, Financial Services Industry Clientphishing very quickly! JEFF EDWARDS, Xavier UniversityThe content library is extensive, relevant, and delivered in a format that is truly enjoyed by the staff. ERMProtect is a fantastic tool to provide the staffIts also easy to assign courses and track progress. with firsthand knowledge regarding security dos and RM, IT Security Industry Clientdonts. The courses are well-defined and supported with videos. We recommend it 100%. OSCAR GALVEZ, Tecnicard Its definitely the best choice for compliance teaching that weve seen. PB, Financial Services Industry Client We appreciate that ERMProtect offers one-stop solutions for both our technical and training needs, from penetration testing to teaching employees how to work safely online.ROSA ORTIZ, Helm Bank 2019 ERMProtect. All rights reserved.'