b'SOC AUDITS AND READINESSWhat We DoOur team of CPAs and Information Security experts conduct SOC audits to identify whether an organizations IT security controls comply with a framework developed by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (System and Organization Controls). Organizations that achieve SOC compliance elevate client confidence and their position in the marketplace by demonstrating that they are effectively managing cyber risk. examines managements description of systems and the SERVICES suitability of the design of controls. A Type 2 examines incorporates Type 1 and provides an opinion on the SOC 1 Assessments operating effectiveness of controls. These reports evaluate controls at service organizationsSOC 2 Readiness Assessmentsand their impact on the financial statements of entitiesWe assess the security posture of organizations that they serve. A Type 1 examination identifies if servicestore, process or manage confidential customer data providers have fairly described their controls. A Typeto identify gaps that could cause the organization to 2 examination incorporates Type 1, plus examinesfail a compliance audit. The scope does not include whether the controls are operating effectively.an assessment or opinion, as this is part of a SOC 2 SOC 2 Assessments examination, but gets organizations ready for an audit.These reports provide detailed assurance aboutSOC 3 Assessmentscontrols relevant to security, availability, and integrityLike a SOC 2, these reports provide detailed assurance of systems used to process users data and theabout controls relevant to security, availability, confidentiality of the information. These reports playprocessing, integrity, confidentiality and privacy of an important role in supply chain risk management bysystems that host confidential data. The main difference identifying whether vendors are adequately protectingis that the SOC 3 report is stripped of details intended an organizations sensitive data. A Type 1 reportonly for stakeholders and certain audiences. As such,2019 ERMProtect. All rights reserved.'