ISO27000: Plan - Do - Check - Act

An information security management system outlines the set of policies behind information security risks. This principle ensures that all information management risks are handled correctly to provide minimum levels of security. Some examples of important information that must be managed correctly would be financial data, employee information and property details.

No matter the size of your business, it is important for all companies to have a framework in place to manage cyber risks. The ISO/IEC 27000 is a standard that has established the frame work necessary to safeguard information effectively. With so much personal and sensitive business information streaming through digital connections and stored on servers all over the world, now more than ever all companies should have a minimum level of agreed upon risk and a plan to manage cyber-attacks and leaks.

Information security management systems can begin with simply training sessions to promote companywide awareness. Keep staff up to date on the latest cyber threats and monitor weak points in data sharing. The latest ISO 27000 update has incorporated the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” ideal.

  • Plan – Assess the information security risks by using an information security company.
  • Do – Implement the agreed upon safeguards.
  • Check – Review and evaluate.
  • Act – Make the changes necessary to bring the risk levels back to a manageable level.
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