ERMProtect helps organizations fight back against cyberthreats with a powerful arsenal of solutions to mitigate legal, regulatory and reputational risk.
We rigorously test the security of IT systems, as if we were hackers ourselves. We ensure compliance with data privacy laws and standards to reduce regulatory risk. We help fix what’s broken and, if trouble comes, deploy powerful forensics.
We even tackle the human side of IT security, by training employees to recognize when they are being targeted through our proprietary ERMProtect e-learning platform.
Why 300+ companies have picked us
We've been in business since 1998 and employ top-in-field professionals with the highest level of industry-recognized certifications.
Breadth of Knowledge
Our multi-disciplinary teams include CPAs, IT security experts, compliance experts and investigators who have worked across 35+ industries. They bring unique, in-depth insights to problem-solving.
Front-line Experience
We're in the field everyday fighting ever-evolving IT threats. We have real-time knowledge and we know how to help.
Intelligence and Insights
GDPR Compliance Checklist: A Guide for U.S. Companies
This article provides a GDPR compliance checklist to guide U.S. companies through a gap analysis and underscores the importance of GDPR compliance …
Social Engineering Penetration Testing
Social engineering penetration tests help organizations identify exactly what each employee’s weaknesses are in terms of cybersecurity awareness …
What Is Digital Forensics and When Do You Need It?
Digital forensics is often a critical component of criminal cases, civil fraud cases, whistleblower complaints, internal investigations, and other matters that require analysis …