Deploy Investigative Digital Forensics

Security Incidents and Data Breaches

Our digital forensic and incident response experts help organizations stop, recover from and get to the bottom of a breach with a thorough forensic investigation. Key digital evidence is identified, recorded and preserved in a manner that is admissible in a court of law.


Organizations that have experienced fraud need to deploy financial, technical and investigative expertise to get to the bottom of things. Our multidisciplinary staff of CPAs, cyber security and digital forensic experts, and seasoned field investigators work seamlessly together to fact-gather and solve the case.

Internal Misconduct

We team financial, forensic and investigative experts to help organizations gather evidence for whistleblower complaints and suspected internal misconduct.

Litigation Support

We image hard drives, dig up digital and non-technical evidence and deploy investigative strategies to help litigators win their cases. We offer court and expert witness testimony.

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Intelligence and Insights

cybersecurity incident response

How to Choose the Right Tabletop Scenario for Incident Response Testing

To effectively combat these threats, organizations must invest in robust cybersecurity incident response strategies …
pci certification steps

Step by Step Guide to Achieving PCI Certification for PCI DSS 4.0

The pathway to PCI certification in PCI DSS 4.0 involves several critical deliverables, each designed to ensure organizations meet rigorous security standards effectively and sustainably …
PCI compliance companies

Leaning on PCI Compliance Companies to Navigate the Maze of PCI Compliance

These cases demonstrate the critical role of PCI compliance companies in helping businesses not only recover from breaches but also prevent future incidents through rigorous compliance practices …