Prepare for and Manage Security Breaches

ERMProtect offers the following incident response services:

Data Breach Response Plan Development

The success or failure of an attack depends heavily on the organization's incident response capabilities. We help organizations develop an Incident Response Plan that defines roles and responsibilities, spells out specific actions and establishes protocols for periodic tests and updates of the plan.

Data Breach Response Plan Reviews

We review an organization's Incident Response Plan and provide detailed recommendations for improvement.

Data Breach Readiness Tests/Ethical Hacking

An organization's incident response capabilities must be tested periodically to ensure they address evolving threats. We perform live, simulated attacks, then work alongside the client to improve and update capabilities.

Data Breach Investigation and Management

We provide on-demand incident response to cyberattacks to help organizations detect, analyze, contain, eradicate and recover from cyber incidents within the appropriate legal framework. Our team includes a veteran incident response data breach manager who handles non-technical aspects of the investigation and guides organizations through all of the steps required to mitigate legal, regulatory and reputational damage.

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Intelligence and Insights

cybersecurity incident response

How to Choose the Right Tabletop Scenario for Incident Response Testing

To effectively combat these threats, organizations must invest in robust cybersecurity incident response strategies …
pci certification steps

Step by Step Guide to Achieving PCI Certification for PCI DSS 4.0

The pathway to PCI certification in PCI DSS 4.0 involves several critical deliverables, each designed to ensure organizations meet rigorous security standards effectively and sustainably …
PCI compliance companies

Leaning on PCI Compliance Companies to Navigate the Maze of PCI Compliance

These cases demonstrate the critical role of PCI compliance companies in helping businesses not only recover from breaches but also prevent future incidents through rigorous compliance practices …