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Crafting a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Plan: A Guide for CISOs

This is a guide for CISOs looking to craft a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment plan.
Boost Business Value

From Compliance to Advantage: Using PCI 4.0 Certification to Boost Business Value

This article explores how businesses can leverage PCI 4.0 certification to transform compliance obligations into substantial business benefits.
financial institutions

5 Major Cybersecurity Risks Banks and Financial Organizations Face

In this article, we outline some of the most common cybersecurity attacks that banks and financial institutions can be vulnerable to.
How Merchants Can Become PCI-DSS Certified

Follow These 4 Steps to Achieve PCI DSS Certification

For all organizations that process payment cards, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) certification is high up the data security and compliance priority list.
ai in penetration testing

How Will AI Change Penetration Testing?

There's a strong application of AI in penetration testing on the horizon, but the future of penetration testing will be a hybrid approach of human brain & AI.
Vetoes Cybersecurity “Safe Harbor” Bill

Florida Governor Vetoes Cybersecurity “Safe Harbor” Bill

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed HB 473, a bill that would have extended “safe harbor” from data breach litigation to businesses compliant with certain industry-recognized cybersecurity standards.