Washington: The Capital of Cybersecurity

It seems that everywhere you go nowadays, people are discussing the issues of cyber security and its ability to drive economic growth in Washington. A lot of professionals agree that Washington has extreme potential for expanding cyber security business in the area; however, they are disagreeing on the fact that progress is slow and the city is not taking complete advantage of the opportunity for dominating cyber security.

Some people believe that Washington is poised to become, or already is, the “Silicon Valley of cybersecurity”. Others believe that Washington surely has the potential to be the capital of cybersecurity, as long as the correct measures are taken in order to make it official. So, although the notion is common, there is no consensus until further actions are taken to truly make Washington the dominate player in cybersecurity in the United States.

A key factor to the actual nature and status of Washington’s cybersecurity situation is the software industry. Although the software industry is maturing, very little software is brand new. Buyers are becoming more sophisticated and want newly developed software that is compatible with evolving technology and processes. As software updates are lacking, cybersecurity is becoming more and more advanced, and businesses large and small are having to hire cybersecurity agencies in order to stay secure.

The Washington area is uniquely positioned to compete for and win business in every aspect of cybersecurity software. For example, American defense contractor and cyber security company, Raytheon, has successfully secured a $1 billion contract with the Department of Homeland Security, fueling other significant contracts with Washington based government agencies like the Air Force. Cybersecurity is a hot topic centered on national security, and the Washington region is reaping the rewards of an established base.

Even though Washington’s cybersecurity market is predicted to increase exponentially over the next decade, cybersecurity agencies in South Florida are also keeping busy. If you own a business, major corporation, or network, ERMProtect is a cybersecurity agency in Miami, Florida that specializes in all forms of cybersecurity and physical security in order to keep your operations safe and under control.

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