Spot the Phish Website - Costco

Spot the Phishing Attempt - Cybersecurity Awareness

The images displayed below are a combination of phishing emails and real email messages. Can you tell which of them are phishing attempts? Click on the images to zoom in.


Spoiler Alert: Answers are below.


Image 1 details: The image contains a phishing hyperlink that spells Costco as Costoco, a huge cybersecurity awareness red flag.

Costco 1 Phishing Attempt and Explanation

Image 2 details: Michelin is spelled wrong.

Costco 2 Phishing Attempt and Explanation

Image 3 details: The image has a phishing barcode and a QR code. There are free barcode reader verification websites available online. For example: The barcode and QR code used in the image below turn up as phishy when verified online, this one looks like a phishing attack.

Costco 3 Phishing Attempt with explanation

Image 4 details: The hyperlink is a legitimate Costco website link. There aren’t any typical red flags in the email and it passes all cybersecurity checks.


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