Count the Phish: LinkedIn Email

Count the Phish: LinkedIn Email

The LinkedIn email below is an attempted phishing attack. There are quite a few red flags in there. Let’s see if you can find them all!

LinkedIn Phishing Email - Can you spot all the red flags?



There are 6 red flags in total.

  1. The date is in a non-US format.
  2. The subject of the email has one grammatical and one spelling
  3. In the body of the email, the very first hyperlink has a phishy domain name. It says ‘,’ so as you can see the letter “e” is missing.
  4. The writeup in the center of the email also has a grammatical error.
  5. And lastly, the footer of the email has a spelling mistake.

When reviewing an email, never rely on one indicator alone. Review the email as a whole and see if it sets off any alarms in your mind, which may look like a possible phishing attack.

LinkedIn Phishing Email Red Flags

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