Update COVID-19 Cybercrime

COVID-19 Update 4/1/2020

During the COVID-19 crisis, our analysts are tracking open-source information sources to keep our followers up to date with COVID-19 Cybercrime. Today’s report:

  • As consumers ramp up their online spending, the criminals who hack websites to digitally "skim" credit card numbers are having a field day, Wired magazine reports. Digital skimming activity — the injection of malicious code into legitimate websites to grab payment data — increased 20 percent between February and March, a security analyst reported.
  • Popular video-conferencing Zoom is leaking personal information of at least thousands of users, including their email address and photo, and giving strangers the ability to attempt to start a video call with them through Zoom, Motherboard reports.
  • For the third time in as many months, the FBI warned that cybercriminals and state-sponsored hackers are using Kwampirs malware in supply chain and healthcare-related attacks, SC Magazine reports.

    “The FBI assesses Kwampirs actors gained access to a large number of global hospitals through vendor software supply chain and hardware products,” the alert said. “Infected software supply chain vendors included products used to manage industrial control system (ICS) assets in hospitals.”

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