Tip of the Day - Device Disposal

Cyber Tip of the Day - Device Disposal

To help promote Cybersecurity Awareness, we would like to start your week with a tip to stay safe online. Today’s subject: Computer and Mobile Disposal.

Before disposing of or selling your computer or mobile device, know that your devices contain plenty of sensitive and personal information about you which can be misused for identity theft and fraud.

Here are some cybersecurity tips to protect yourself:

  • If there’s any data that you wish to retain, make a copy of it before going any further.
  • Ensure that you delete all accounts from the devices you’re planning to dispose of or sell.
  • When it comes to cybersecurity, don’t take chances with the data on your drives. Use a free data destruction program to completely wipe clean and sanitize your drives before you get rid of them or sell them
  • When it comes to removing your data from storages like your drives, know that simply deleting that data doesn’t make it go away. That data can still be retrieved with free tools available online.
  • For your smartphone, perform a “factory reset” to delete all your data. Make sure you remove all SIM and SD cards from it and prevent a future cyber attack.

Be Smart. Be Aware. Be Secure. ERMProtect.

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