Tip of the Day - Web Browser Security

Cyber Tip of the Day - Web Browser Security - Cybersecurity Awareness

To help promote Cybersecurity Awareness, we would like to start your week with a tip to stay safe online. Today’s subject: Web Browser Security.

Web browsers are the gateways to the Internet. Hackers love to target them as they contain a treasure trove of sensitive and personal information about you.

Here are some cybersecurity tips to protect yourself:

  • Search engines won’t always direct you to good sites. Hackers have found ways to appear on search engine results without setting off any alarms. Use your favorite search engine to search for “Is That Site Safe” and you’ll see many reputable sites offering to do a safety check a URL for you.
  • Enable the “Do Not Track” feature in your web browsers to protect your privacy.
  • Review the security and privacy settings on your web browsers. Make sure you deactivate features that save and auto-fill your usernames and passwords for various sites.
  • Web browser components like ActiveX, JavaScript, and Flash are often exploited by hackers. Disable these whenever possible.
  • Limit the number of add-ons and plugins that you install on your web browser and make sure they’re from reputable sources.
  • Always keep your web browsers fully updated and patched.

Be Smart. Be Aware. Be Secure. ERMProtect.

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