Cyberlaw: Virtual Wild West

The cyber law landscape is a virtual wild west. Because the internet is still so young, there are a lot of legal precedents that still have not been set, and even more confusion in terms of location. It’s not an easy fix. For one whose law do you follow? All law is based on geographical location; the obvious problem in the digital age is that the cloud can be accessed from anywhere in the world. A cyber security company in Miami might protect a client in California, and it’s important that the company follows the correct digital security standards for each state.

Computer forensics and law were trending cyber security topics recently when the legal battle between the FBI and Apple took the national stage. But this has been an issue for decades. It is common for Facebook messages to be used during divorce proceedings, google search terms to be entered into civil trial evidence and even GPS services subpoenaed for murder trials. The question now is: when are businesses next targeted? Business data leaks are already a serious problem for any company that experiences them but can these companies afford for damaging data leaks to have a legal effect on them.

ERMProtect, a cyber security company in Miami, is trained to deal with data security issues of all kinds. You need a cyber security company that understand the cyber landscape, with trained professionals that will protect your data and has experience that trumps the competition. For more information on how your local business, company, agency, or network may benefit from cyber security systems and software, contact us today.

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