What Separates a Good Cybersecurity Firm from A Great Cybersecurity Firm

More companies are looking for a cybersecurity firm than ever before. The information security industry is growing almost exponentially, and the future of cybersecurity looks bright. Although larger corporations and banks are developing an in-house cybersecurity department, most companies are outsourcing their digital security to cybersecurity firms like ERMProtect in Miami, Florida.

Most people don’t fully grasp cybersecurity and its importance, however, all of the most recent, high level hacks have brought the need for cybersecurity to the forefront of concern. Over the next few years, the market for cybersecurity will increase and demand will go through the roof.

So, the question that most companies in need of security and network protection ask is: what should I look for in a great cybersecurity firm?


Of course, the need for experience is paramount, and any cybersecurity firm will come with the standard credentials. However, if you are looking for the best cybersecurity firm in Miami, Florida, relevant experience will come in two forms:

  1. Employees – The experience inherent in the employees of that cybersecurity firm. The best cyber-security employees are typically those who complete advanced information security degrees combined with actual client experience (e.g., information security assessments, remediation and implementation as well as digital forensics).
  2. Experience of Cybersecurity Firm – Great cybersecurity firms will have made a name for themselves in the industry. A great cybersecurity firm will have years of experience, have great client relationships, be able to handle a crisis with due diligence and assuage damage or prevent it before it occurs, keep your network or software secure, and have numerous references for you to note.


Find out what kind of certifications the cybersecurity firm has. These should be listed and easily found on their website, because the majority of cybersecurity firms wear them as badges of honor in order to provide a visualization of their pristine services – since certifications, awards, and case studies are the only real form of evidence they have.

In terms of certifications, look for CISSP, PCI QSA and C|EH; other important certifications to look for: CISA, CIPP and CISM. If regulatory certifications are important to your company’s industry, search for the relevant cybersecurity certifications like GLBA, HIPAA, PCI, ISO, COBIT compliant.

Penetration Testing

The only way to truly evaluate your digital network and security effectively is to attempt to crack it. A good firm will offer penetration testing, but a great cybersecurity firm will also have the training, debriefing, and course of action ready to be implemented that make the difference between simply knowing where the weak points are and actually fixing the issues if any arise.

Training Programs

Does the cybersecurity firm offer training services? A lot of data leaks result in human error. Great cybersecurity firms will offer training and security guides that will prevent your employees from making these common mistakes that can be easily managed and avoided.

A good cybersecurity firm will not only develop great training programs but they will find new, innovative ways to train employees. The cybersecurity training videos available at ERMProtect’s website are a prime example of this.

As the market continues to grow and cybersecurity becomes a necessity, companies will begin outsourcing information security services. Finding a great cybersecurity firm can mean the difference between a cyber-attack and a massive data breach. Stay informed, stay protected, and choose ERMProtect as your “go to” cybersecurity firm.

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