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ERMProtect's Incident Response Services

ERMProtect’s Incident Response Services

After a theft, fire or disaster, experts sift through the rubble to determine how it happened, how to prevent it in the future, and who to charge if it had
Malware: Bangladesh Bank Heist

Malware: Bangladesh Bank Heist

The recent Bangladesh Bank heist resulted in $81 million in theft and was tracked to the Philippines before disappearing in February.
Myspace and Tumbler:  No target too big or too important for cyber-hackers to compromise

Myspace and Tumbler: No target too big or too important for cyber-hackers to compromise

When it comes to the recent Myspace and Tumblr hacks, ERMProtect, a global cyber security firm, states that there is no target too big ortoo important for cyber-hackers to compromise.
Federal Cybersecurity: Apple and the FBI

Federal Cybersecurity: Apple and the FBI

The legal battle between Apple and the FBI has taken an unexpected turn after the FBI announced that it had successfully hacked the iPhone belonging to the San Bernardino killers.
Social Engineering: Major Aspect of Hacking

Social Engineering: Major Aspect of Hacking

Social engineering is defined as hacking humans through manipulative interactions. People are tricked into willingly giving out sensitive information to hackers and people with malicious intent.
Social Media & Cybersecurity: Employee Awareness

Social Media & Cybersecurity: Employee Awareness

Social media poses a cybersecurity challenge to all companies. On one hand, it is a powerful tool that can make a massive difference to your company’s image, while maintaining important